An Extremely Positive Birth Experience.

"After completing the Lamaze Childbirth Education course, my husband and I felt extremely informed about the labour/birth process and early postpartum experiences. We were able to make informed decisions together in the lead up to, and the day of our baby girl's birth. Our birth experience was extremely positive, despite some curve balls being thrown our way! The Lamaze philosophy also empowered us in managing the early postpartum time, including advocating for what we wanted during our stay in hospital."

- H.R. Melbourne

We walked out full of confidence and excited for our birth ahead.

“I couldn’t recommend the class enough, we laughed, we learned how amazing our bodies are for birth, a variety of tools, tips and handy information not only for birth but for after baby arrives! We also just had so much fun learning. We both walked out of the Lamaze course full of confidence and excited for our birth ahead.”

— Michelle & Tony, NSW

Without the Lamaze class, we never would have known.

“The class gave us both the confidence and information to take charge of our birth. We knew the questions to ask when I was in labour - thanks B.R.A.I.N and without a Lamaze course we would never had known”

— Amy & Tom, NSW

The course gave me many practical tips on how to manage pain throughout all stages of labour

“I wanted to learn more about labour pain management in preparation for my second childbirth after a long and arduous first labour which was posterior and required medical intervention. Lamaze provided me with practical tips and counselling on pain management. I found that I was given a variety of very useful pain management tools - which I wish I had known about in my first pregnancy! The course gave me many practical tips on how to manage pain throughout all stages of labour which I used in my actual labour which was again posterior.

Thanks to the information from Lamaze and the pain management tools in the course I was able to have a second labour where I felt in control and knowledgeable about the various techniques that assist in pain management. As a result of having an arsenal of pain management techniques up my sleeve, I did not require an epidural in my second labour which meant that I was able to experience the pushing stage in full and feel the amazing feeling of pushing my little boy out into the world”

- Sezen

Unforgettable and so informative.

“The class was fantastic! We left with a bag of tips, tools and techniques to use for our birth and for being parents. What I loved was learning that I have so much choice for my birth and I feel I have control over these options. The class was so informative and gave us unforgettable information for such an important time in our lives.”

— Elly &Taylor

Our birth experience was extremely positive, the Lamaze philosophy also empowered us

“After completing the Lamaze Childbirth Education course, my husband and I felt extremely informed about the labour/birth process and early postpartum experiences. We were able to make informed decisions together in the lead up to, and the day of our baby girl’s birth. Our birth experience was extremely positive, despite some curve balls being thrown our way!

The Lamaze philosophy also empowered us in managing the early postpartum time, including advocating for what we wanted during our stay in hospital.”

- Holly & Adam